What's New?
- Improved generation speed
The software now generates around 10% faster on the dual/quadcore systems due to improvements in the communication between cores. - Room priorities
It is now possible to specify for each lesson the ideal, not-so-best and use-only-in-emergency classrooms. You can exactly specify how many times per week kids can be in the best room, how many times you will tolerate usage of the emergency room:
Optimizing the room usage for students
There are now a few new rules that allow you to reduce the room usage to save on cleaning or rent the rooms:
Reducing the room usage - Cardrelationships for groups, subjects, teacher's classes
you can now apply all cardrelationships to groups. So for example you can define cardrelatioships that will only affect girls from 5A. - Simplified Import from Excel/Clipboard
It shall be now much easier to import basic data as well as lessons into the software. If you are importing lessons/seminars, you no longer need to have the timetable with subjects/teachers, the software can import all the data in one step.
Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
also the import of students and selections was simplified:
Import sections from clipboard(Excel) - Max teachers on one period
You can now define the maximum number of teachers on certain periods to make sure you have enough free teachers free on each period.
We need two free teachers on each period to make sure we have enough teachers for substitutions - Subjects/courses distribution during the year
You can specify that student has to complete Course A before he can have course B.
Student has to finish Biology before he can attend Biology practice
Also for the multiweek timetables it is now possible to specify that subject has to be on consecutive 4 weeks.
Subject has to be in consecutive weeks/terms - Importance of cardrelationships
It is now possible possible to specify the importance also for regular cardrelationships. - Importance of constraints
For some constraints you can set the importance directly when you specifying this constraint. So even if you run the generation with relaxation allowed you can specify that this constraint shall not be relaxed. - Student group changes
If you allow it, the generator can swith the student to different section between terms.
Other small improvements
Note for each cardrelationship
Copy cardrelationship - What's new in aSc Substitutions 2013
- Generate the substitutions for one day
You can do the substitutions manually one by one as before or you can let the software to do it for you for the whole day. It follows the substitution criteria you have defined previously.
Generate the substitutions for one day - Change collision
While doing the substitution, you can now directly go to the collision substitution and change it.
Substitution collisions - Holidays
You can now mark certain days as holidays. The lessons are automatically cancelled.
Holidays - Adding the timetable
You can now specify the end time when adding timetable.
Change the timetable for specific time only - Points
Points are now calculated by week,month and year and the teacher's base contract can be included.
Using points to balance substitution/contract load - More situations timetable panel
The software now shows by different color some more situations to help you decide the best teacher for the substitution.
What is shown in the top right corner? - Alternative layoutthe alternative layout of the substitution report was changed so that it sorts the lines by the teacher. This makes finding the changes for each teacher easier. What is "Alternative layout"